MAMA Square by Patricio Solis for VEGASMAMAS, 2018, 11" x 14", mixed media on paper
Welcome! This is the third installment of VEGASMAMAS' fine art series by fine artist Patricio Solis, entitled The VEGASMAMAS SHAPES SERIES. Image by Patricio. Accompanied words by his wife, Desirée, founder of VEGASMAMAS. Please enjoy, relate, converse...
The compartmentalization of squares, into and unto itself, equals pure balance. The square MAMA has a heightened sense of need vs. want, do vs. not do, save vs. waste; she gets things done and is always reliable no matter the premise. Organization is key and her schedule fits like checked-off building blocks in the formation that is her daily calendar. SquareMAMA might appear stringent, regulated, robotic or predictable but she keeps herself and those under-her-wing on point, pushes us to reach new heights, congratulates us when we succeed and always, always presents to us (and herself) a new challenge. She sees the future in relay races, slapping her hand (or those around her) to bring evolution to her tribe; she gives as much as she requires and second best is never good enough. She blends but she's always there, traces of her are detectable after she's gone; do you see her? Can you identify her in the maze of the world around us? Her goodness & speed always leaves a trail. The varied shapes of MAMAS are all equal, they are all powerful, beautifully required and highly celebrated; we are all infinite shapes as part of this puzzle that is life, human nature and our own evolution. We love you and all that you do, SQUAREMama, we'd be lost without you.
We will catch the essence of our fellow MAMAS through this SHAPES SERIES and all work together in understanding & appreciating not only our talents but our differences, no matter how drastic they might be. VEGASMAMAS loves all shapes, all sizes, all styles and all combinations. You are all so beautiful to us.
The incredible, invisible, disappearing MAMA Square. Read about her tendencies and see her in the painted world.