a sign...
VEGASMAMAS was created in the darkened & hushed wee morning hours of Saturday, 19 November, 2016, as I couldn't sleep all-night-long literally exploding with need to funnel my creativity. Once you've had babies and exited the workplace over five years ago it's nearly impossible to get back in; the following is what I wrote that night: here I sit at my pseudo-desk, my glowing résumé has not peeked any interest in a year straight, one part frustrated and another part exasperated, I need a job, an outlet, an identity outside of my suburban life. I need traction. For myself & my family. On this late Saturday morning of 11/19/2016, a few hours after midnight I created VEGASMAMAS. Later that morning my mother read me my daily horoscope:
"If you work in a creative field, you may receive a wonderful royalty or residual check, advance, grant or award for your artistic endeavors." Susan Miller's Astrology Zone
This world is harsh, it's beautiful and it's confusing. I take my affirmations wherever I can get them and, let it be known on this day, I acknowledge this much-needed sign and graciously accept it into my future.
Welcome to this world, VEGASMAMAS.
VEGASMAMAS was launched on Wednesday, 3/22/2107, a powerful day.